1) Can add years to your life
Studies have shown men live longer when they are married, and kiss their spouse or partner goodbye in the morning but the same is not true for the ladies
2) Maintain and Improve Heart Health
The 'kissing' promoted less stress and more relationship satisfaction, that in-turn lowered high blood pressure linked to cholesterol levels.Therefore kisses keep you heart healthy
3) Improves your mood
The brain releases a special hormone called dopamine during kiss which is responsible for feelings of desire and bonding that helps to lift mood.
4) The Stress Reliever
While kissing, no one remembers the outside world and the body relaxes and decreases the body’s cortisol levels which is a stress hormone.It creates a sense of peace and calmness by altering the body’s oxytocin levels.
5) Relieves pain
Kissing releases natural chemicals in the body called endorphins that
can be more powerful than the narcotic morphine to relieve pain.Instead of reaching for the pain reliever, take few kisses
6) Can prevent cavities
Kissing increases saliva production and this saliva washes away bacteria that can cause cavities, tooth decay.This will keep the dentist away.
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