Monday, April 28, 2014

chocolate is good for your health

1. Dark chocolates improve blood flow and may help in preventing the formation of blood clots.

2. Chocolates are used in place of medicine to kick your cough.

3. Eating dark chocolates everyday reduces the risk of heart disease by 1/3 as they contain high doses of caffeine and sugar.

4. Chocolates increase antioxidant level in the blood.

5. Researchers found that chocolates may help older people keep their brain healthy and thinking sharp.

6. Studies show that eating small amount of dark chocolates 2 to 3 times a week can help in lowering your blood pressure.

7. The flavanoids in chocolate can help in keeping blood vessels elastic.

8. Eating dark chocolates may also prevent hardening of the arteries.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

8 facts about sleeping

Researchers have found that lack of sleep diminishes your power and concentration, thereby affecting your problem solving abilities.

Without adequate rest, you cannot learn well. It also keeps you from "consolidating" memories, so you cannot remember what you learned from day to day.

One of the primary causes of excessive sleep among Americans is self-imposed sleep deprivation.

Teens need 8.5 to 9.25 hours of sleep each night.

Sleep experts say most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night for optimum performance, health and safety.

Its impossible to sneeze while sleeping.

Sleeping on the job is acceptable in Japan.

Sleeping directly after learning something new will improve your ability to remember it effectively.

Lack of sleep can raise the sensation of hunger by 25% .Sleep more and you can eat more or burn more calories.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

interesting facts about crying

  • When the first tear you cry, comes from your left eye, it's because of something painful, but if it comes from your right eye, it's from something happy.

  • Society has always compared rain to falling tears, which has lead to many believing the shape of raindrops to be in similar shape. In fact,they are not at all. When a raindrop begins to fall it starts in nearly a perfect circle,and then begins to change in shape.

  • There are three layers to the tear film coating the eye that creates tears- the liquid layer (oil), the aqueous layer (water), and the mucous layer (mucin).

  • Babies cry 1 to 3 hours each day.

  • Crying is a way to communicate needs and elicit attention from others, at least in early life, and may be a means of releasing emotional tension.

  • According to research from the 1980s, psychogenic tears differ in composition from other tears, and it's theorized that crying may be a way to get rid the body from stress.

  • A good cry can make you fell better.

  • Parents typically overestimate, but babies do cry for about 1 to 3 hours a day.

  • There are actually three kinds of tears- basal tears, which clean and lubricate your eyes; reflex tears, which drain when your eyes are irritated by things like onions or pollen; and emotional tears, the one we all know the best,

10 facts about dreams

  • 90% of dream is lost in first minute we wake up

  • Nightmares happen more to kids than adults
  • Babies don’t dream of themselves until they reach the age of 3.
  • You can have several-even a dozen-dreams in one night.
  • Blind people also dream.Their dreams are auditory if they were born blind. If they became blind at an early age, they still dream of what they remember.
  • Humans tend to have around 3 to 7 dreams a night. We dream around 2 to 3 hours in a whole night.
  • Dreams tend not to be happy events, and the three most common reported emotions are anger, sadness and fear.
  • Dreaming can help you learn.
  • Dreams help keep you mentally on track. Studies show that participants who were woken up at the start of each dream showed signs of psychosis after just three days. Good to know.

  • Cross-cultural research indicates that our dreams reflect normal life events in our own country and culture.
