Monday, August 18, 2014

Meet the brother and sister who feel no pain

The brother and sister have an extremely rare condition called Congenital Insensitivity To Pain (CIP) ,which stops their nerves recognizing physical distress. Paul (brother) and Vicki (sister) can feel sensations like wind like wind, temperature and pressure but they never feel pain. They have broken almost every bone of their body at least once because they don't feel any pain and always take it as fun. Vicki said " If our parents wouldn't let us have an ice cream we'd bend our fingers back until the bone snapped. It didn't hurt at all. At the age of four, it was hilarious but it feel guilty now about what we put our parents through" . Paul said " The doctors did lots of tests on us as children and put our condition into its own separate category. They gave us volts of electricity but we didn't flinch." Their mum (Christine) said " They never cried as a baby. Once I put the nappy pin through Paul's skin by accident. It drew blood but he didn't make a peep". Their father (Bob) thought CIP must be a gift for his son .He said " I thought , He'll turn into a boxer and makes us all loads of money but it's later when i realize what a nightmare it is ". Paul admits he wouldn't think twice about blackmailing his parents with his disability to get what he wanted when he was a child. He said " Sometimes I would break a bone just so i could go to the hospital. I just thought it as time away from school but i didn't realize the damage i was doing". As a result of their numerous past injuries, they suffer from crippling arthritis. Vicki has broken her left leg 17 times and her foot is slightly deformed from the constant reconstructive work. She has to use a wheelchair. "We have to look out for swelling, stiffness, heat or smell", explains Vicki. They have been told their condition is incurable and doctors still have no idea which genes are responsible.

CIP : An extremely rare disorder in which the sensation of pain cannot be felt from birth. Many sufferers die before adulthood as injuries and infections aren't picked up in time.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Facts About Happiness

      Success is not the key of happiness. Happiness is the key of success. If you love what you are                                                                doing you will be successful.

  •  If you fake laugh long enough you'ii start to really laugh,really,really hard
  • Blind people smile despite having never seen someone smile is just a natural human reaction
  • Happy people generally earn more than unhappy.
  • Only 10 percent of your happiness comes from external circumstances.
  • Happier people are more likely to retain relationship
  • If you do 20 minutes of exercise,three days per week for six months,your general feeling of happiness will improve by 10-20 percent.

How To Get A Good Night Sleep

. Set a regular bedtime : Go to bed at the same time every night. Choose a time when you normally feel tired ,so that u don't toss and turn .Try not to break this routine on weekends when it may be tempting to stay up late.

. Exercise : Exercise during the day, preferably in the late afternoon before dinner. Don't exercise within 4 hours of going to bed. Aerobic exercise is best ,but 45 minutes to an hour of brisk walking will work.

. Health conscious : Don't go to bed either hungry or stuffed ,your discomfort might keep you up. Also limit how much you drink before bed to prevent night trips to the toilet.

. Warm milk : Milk has an essential amino acid ,which stimulates the brain chemical serotonin ,believed to play a key role in inducing sleep. A piece of bread or another carbohydrate enhances the effect.

. No TV : Your bed room should be a relaxing environment. Experts say that there is a strong association in people's minds between sleep and the bedroom. However, certain things weaken that association ,such as t.v. and other electronic gadgets.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

ways to improve memory

1.   Do one thing at a time : when we do one thing at a time ,we concentrate only on that particular work. In this way, memory can be increased by quiting multitasking

2.   Learn new languages : A Swedish study found that people who learn new languages showed improved memory for people's name and other things.

3.   Exercise : Both physical and mental exercises should be performed in order to increase memory.

4.   Sleep well : The benefit of sleep is that it makes memory stronger because brain is surprisingly busy during sleep and one of the things it's doing is working on our memories.

5.   Play brain games : games like puzzles and crosswords may help in improving memory.

6.   Proper diet : Memory super foods include antioxidant-rich, colorful vegetables and fruits, which protect the brain from harmful free radicals.

7.   Practice : Practice makes a man perfect and also it helps in increasing memory.

8.   Chew gum : Chewing gum can help you stay focused on a task and so improve your memory.

9.   Go for a walk : Many people suffer memory problems with advancing years. Walking just six miles a week helps to preserve memory in old age.

10.  Clench your right fist : If you squeeze your right hand into a fist during learning, it can aid memory and to aid recall, squeeze your left hand into a fist.

Monday, April 28, 2014

chocolate is good for your health

1. Dark chocolates improve blood flow and may help in preventing the formation of blood clots.

2. Chocolates are used in place of medicine to kick your cough.

3. Eating dark chocolates everyday reduces the risk of heart disease by 1/3 as they contain high doses of caffeine and sugar.

4. Chocolates increase antioxidant level in the blood.

5. Researchers found that chocolates may help older people keep their brain healthy and thinking sharp.

6. Studies show that eating small amount of dark chocolates 2 to 3 times a week can help in lowering your blood pressure.

7. The flavanoids in chocolate can help in keeping blood vessels elastic.

8. Eating dark chocolates may also prevent hardening of the arteries.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

8 facts about sleeping

Researchers have found that lack of sleep diminishes your power and concentration, thereby affecting your problem solving abilities.

Without adequate rest, you cannot learn well. It also keeps you from "consolidating" memories, so you cannot remember what you learned from day to day.

One of the primary causes of excessive sleep among Americans is self-imposed sleep deprivation.

Teens need 8.5 to 9.25 hours of sleep each night.

Sleep experts say most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night for optimum performance, health and safety.

Its impossible to sneeze while sleeping.

Sleeping on the job is acceptable in Japan.

Sleeping directly after learning something new will improve your ability to remember it effectively.

Lack of sleep can raise the sensation of hunger by 25% .Sleep more and you can eat more or burn more calories.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

interesting facts about crying

  • When the first tear you cry, comes from your left eye, it's because of something painful, but if it comes from your right eye, it's from something happy.

  • Society has always compared rain to falling tears, which has lead to many believing the shape of raindrops to be in similar shape. In fact,they are not at all. When a raindrop begins to fall it starts in nearly a perfect circle,and then begins to change in shape.

  • There are three layers to the tear film coating the eye that creates tears- the liquid layer (oil), the aqueous layer (water), and the mucous layer (mucin).

  • Babies cry 1 to 3 hours each day.

  • Crying is a way to communicate needs and elicit attention from others, at least in early life, and may be a means of releasing emotional tension.

  • According to research from the 1980s, psychogenic tears differ in composition from other tears, and it's theorized that crying may be a way to get rid the body from stress.

  • A good cry can make you fell better.

  • Parents typically overestimate, but babies do cry for about 1 to 3 hours a day.

  • There are actually three kinds of tears- basal tears, which clean and lubricate your eyes; reflex tears, which drain when your eyes are irritated by things like onions or pollen; and emotional tears, the one we all know the best,

10 facts about dreams

  • 90% of dream is lost in first minute we wake up

  • Nightmares happen more to kids than adults
  • Babies don’t dream of themselves until they reach the age of 3.
  • You can have several-even a dozen-dreams in one night.
  • Blind people also dream.Their dreams are auditory if they were born blind. If they became blind at an early age, they still dream of what they remember.
  • Humans tend to have around 3 to 7 dreams a night. We dream around 2 to 3 hours in a whole night.
  • Dreams tend not to be happy events, and the three most common reported emotions are anger, sadness and fear.
  • Dreaming can help you learn.
  • Dreams help keep you mentally on track. Studies show that participants who were woken up at the start of each dream showed signs of psychosis after just three days. Good to know.

  • Cross-cultural research indicates that our dreams reflect normal life events in our own country and culture.

Saturday, March 08, 2014

dirty secret apple does not want you to know

They don't let you to turn of your phone  even when iPhone is dead it is still traceable,even when Wifi or data is not on. Satellite can pinpoint your phone's location. The new m7 chip makes tracking your exact movement and speed possible.

They rip you off on accessories :There is not information on the markup Apple applies to their $40-$50 cases, but similar ones can be found on eBay for $5-$10. They pedaled different speakers, alarm clocks, cords, etc. Then change the plug shape and now charge $29 for a converter so you can keep using the products you bought.

They Don’t Pay Much in Taxes :  Apple keeps most of its money in an Irish subsidiary company created to avoid the US government's taxes. Apple is only taxed by the US on domestic and South American sales, although their CEO Tim Cook told congress there are ways of avoiding even that, which Apple isn't utilizing out of patriotic duty.

They use conflict minerals in their products : The iPhone and other Apple products have the conflict mineral coltan in them. coltan is heat resistant,and ideal for transmitting electric charges.This mineral is rare and expensive (a mine can be worth hundred of millions of us dollars) and prevalent in war torn Congo. Since 1998, 5-7 million people have died in an ongoing civil war being fought, largely, over control of the mines. The mineral can be found in most electronics company's products, but Apple is the world's biggest and should start the trend of boycotting conflict minerals.

They exploit cheap labor in China : For optimal profit margin Apple must produce the iPhones for cheap. Since Apple only uses top quality electronic parts, the difference is made up in cheaper labor. The NYT reports that workers at Foxconn, the former manufacturer of the iPhone, make $22 for a twelve hour shift, and are often forced to work even longer hours. There were so many suicides in the on-site dorms where the workers live that Foxconn had to install nets on the sides of the buildings.

Saturday, March 01, 2014


This is an optical virtual keyboard . the infrared keyboard is a compact and versatile product. The size of a virtual infrared keyboard is like the size of a cell phone. It optically detects and analyses human hand and finger motion . It works with wireless bluetooth technology.The light is invisible to the user and hovers a few millimeters above the surface.

Of course, like any magic trick there's actually something very specific happening behind the scenes that creates the illusion. When your finger passes through a key's projected area, the sensor detects the infrared light reflecting off of it and compute it as a keystroke.It can even serve as a mouse or touchpad for your windows PC or Mac.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A man spent more than $200000 on plastic surgery to make himself look like a tiger


dennis avner named himself a catman after transformed his body to look like a tiger.A man how spend more then $200000 on numerous tattoos and other cosmetic surgeries earned him a world record for body modification.He modified his upper lip and inserted stainless steal implants to insert whisker in .Dennis avner found died. his body was found in his home in tonopah on november 5. His surgeries was done by steve haworth,an artist and pioneer of body modification technique.His cause of death has not yet be releaved,yet some are speculating that up speculation that evner may have killed himself.It recentally took his life at the age of 54.

7 facts about coffee

founder of coffee

 ethiopian shepherds first noticed the effect of caffeine when they saw there goats appearing to become frisky and dance after eating coffee berries.

whether you like yours hot, iced, black or with sugar, one thing's for sure: coffee serves up plenty of health benifits.

facts about coffee

* coffee grows on trees which can be up to 30 feet tall .

* scientists found that consuming caffeine helped bees to improve their long-term memories .  the caffeine acts on the brain chemistry of bees  in a way that makes the flowers more memorable so the bees are more likely to return to plants of the same type.

*coffee was the first food to be freeze-dried.

*Studies have shown that caffeine has a positive effect on sperm motility—the ability of sperm to move toward an egg—and could increase your chances of [getting pregnant].

*coffee is a beverage that puts one to sleep when not drank.

*originally coffee was eaten. african tribes mixed coffee berries with fat which formed edible energy balls.

*40% of world's coffee is produced by colombia & brazil.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

how to remove nail polish in five minutes

to remove nail polish you must required these cheap and best materials 

some small cotton balls
something to hold these cotton balls like aluminium foil

these steps must be taken 

make the small peices of cotton balls.

dip the peices into acetone

put these peices over your nail

roll the aluminium foil over the nail

leave it for two minutes for soaking

repeat these step for other hand 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

foods that kill cancer

Food is the body’s medicine, not drugs. All you need to do is seek those powerful foods which naturally inhibit tumor necrosis factor (TNF) of which there are several.


Turmeric : A number of laboratory studies on cancer cells have shown that turmeric kill cancer cells and prevent more from growing. It has the best effects on breast cancer,bowl cancer,stomach cancer and skin cancer cells.Curcumin, the active ingredient in this common medicinal and culinary herb has been widely studied.  It is recognized as a potent cell protectant, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.

Tomatoes :Scientists have discovered the nutrient, lycopene, which is found in cooked tomatoes, can slow the growth - and even kill - the cancer cells that hijack a body’s healthy blood supply. Dr. Mridula Chopra and colleagues at the University of Portsmouth tested the effect of the nutrient lycopene on the simple mechanism through which cancer cells hijack a body’s healthy blood supply in order to grow and spread."

Peach and Plum :A recent research study in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry demonstrated that peach and plum contain two specific phenolic acid components known as chlorogenic and neochlorogenic that are  responsible for the death of the breast cancer cells.The study resulted in cancer cells dying while normal cells were not harmed at all.

Cherries : Research has shown that a diet containing cherries is beneficial in reducing the risk of colon cancer. When scientists fed a diet containing tart cherries, anthocyanins, or cyanidin (a non-sugar breakdown product of anthocyanins) to mice with a genetic susceptibility to colon cancer, the animals developed significantly fewer and smaller colon tumors. This study also revealed that these compounds effectively reduced the growth of two human colon cancer cells lines.

Apricots : The essential ingredient in apricot is called laetrile or vitamin B 17. Eating the raw organic ones can supposedly even cure cancer, no side effects included. Apricot seeds will prevent disease and act as a counterforce against cancer. The recommendation is to eat 5 to 7 apricot kernel seeds per day. If you are trying to cure cancer, perhaps it is wise to take more. For starters, maybe start at eating 1 or 2 seeds per day, to avoid nausea. Even if you do not have cancer, it is a great way to prolong your life and prevent disease

are packed full of substances that help fight inflammation and cancer
Cherries are packed full of substances that help fight inflammation and cancer
Cherries are packed full of substances that help fight inflammation and cancer
Cherries are packed full of substances that help fight inflammation and cancer

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Why bottled water is bad for us ?

1) Bottled water is expensive 
 Aqua di cristallo tributo a modigliani : This is probably the most expensive bottled water in the world. At $60,000 per 750 ml.The bottle is made of solid gold that weighs 24 karats. Fernando Altamirano of Tequilla Ley is the creator of the bottle . he also created non solid gold bottle like silver, silver matte, crystal and a variety of combinations of all these. and many other bottles are expensive like kona nigare water ($402 per 750 ml),fillico ($219 per 750 ml),bling h20 ($40 per 750 ml),veen ($23per 750 ml).

2) What About your Health ?

22% of bottled water tested contains chemical contaminants above the level approved by state health limits.The Natural Resources Defense Council's scientific study showed over 1/3 of the tested brands contain contaminants like arsenic and carcinogenic compounds. Scientists agreed though that the contaminants were negligible amounts and all of the bottled water was safe to drink, but importantly the study clearly showed how "bottled water purity" can be misleading. 

 3) Transporting and Recycling Bottled Water 
 More energy is needed to fill the bottles with water at the factory, move it by truck, train, ship, or air freight to the user, cool it in grocery stores or home refrigerators, and recover, recycle, or throw away the empty bottles. The Pacific Institute estimates that the total amount of energy embedded in our use of bottled water can be as high as the equivalent of filling a plastic bottle one quarter full with oil.

4) Bottled Water is Bad for Your Teeth

A salt formed from the combination of fluorine, soil, and rock minerals, fluoride is voluntarily added by the vast majority of states and/or local municipalities (rather than the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), to public water supplies across the United States. Many dentists and pediatricians are concerned that children who only drink bottled water may experience more cavities.




Saturday, January 18, 2014

10 life tips you need to know

1) Put astoking over the end of the vaccum to find tiny items like earings.

2) Turn on your seat warmer to keep pizza hot while driving home.

3)If you are at hotel and run out of chargers,the tv usually has a USB plugin.

4) In gmail to stop receiving marketing email, filter by the the word "unsubscribe".

5) Clean out an old lotion bottle for your beach bag and put your phone, money, and keys in it for safer
    keeping at the beach.

6) When riding the subway,put your phone in airplane mode. it will preserve your battery as your phone won't constantly be searching for towers.

7) Save the job discription when you start a new job. it makes updating your resume a lot easier.

8) Men - shave in the shower if you dont want your wife to hate you.

9) For improving the iphone 5s battery life - turn off location services & notifications, turn off push emails, turn down screen brightness, use airplain mode, etc.

10) Use a hair clip to organize long wires.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Living Barbie Doll

Valeria Lukyonova, 21, became an internet sensation after a video was released about the epic plastic surgery procedures she allegedly underwent to transform into a real-life barbie doll.Her proportions are exaggerated by her super-sized breasts relative to her thin waist.She admits that she's had work done, but not on her face. Honestly, when we look at these two picture side by side, we're not too convinced there wasn't facial plastic surgery involved. Her chin looks narrower and her face more heart-shaped after becoming Barbie.To complete her transformation into Barbie, Valeria has dyed her hair a bleached, peroxide blonde. She also applied thick makeup and has contact lenses to get the look. Valeria is 5' 7" tall. Her measurements, in inches, are 34.6-18.5-34.6. Valeria says she's only had one plastic surgery to achieve her look. When asked, she said " I had breasts implants because I want to be perfect." Well, that's as good a reason as any to go under the knife. Her surgery made her breasts two sizes larger. To keep her waist so tiny, Valeria lives on strict diets. She went on a juice-only diet for four months to detox before switching to a water diet.Her hobbies include meditation, spiritual practices and mountain hiking along with her husband.Ever since she was 5, Valeria has loved barbie. She was fascinated by dolls throughout her life. As a child, she collected over 50 dolls. In 2007, Valeria took part in a beauty pageant,"Ukrainian Diamond Crown". She won the title of Ms. Diamond Crown. The controversial beauty pageant only featured contestants that have had plastic surgery done. A Bolivian newspaper,, reported: Thousands of girls around the world have shown interest in this girl,wanting to look like her. It is a great risk that girls are being influenced in this way.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

What to do when a thief forces you to withdraw from an ATM?

If you are forced by robbers to withdraw money from an ATM, you can secretly alert police by entering your PIN in reverse.The machine will still give you the money you requested i.e. if your PIN # is 2146, you punch 6412.The moment you punch in the reverse mode, the money will come out, but will be stuck into the machine half way out and it will alert the Police (security) without the notice of the thief. The broadcast stated that this method of calling the police is very seldom used because people don't know it exists.Please pass it along to everyone possible.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Top 6 benefits of kissing

1) Can add years to your life

Studies have shown men live longer when they are married, and kiss their spouse or partner goodbye in the morning  but the same is not true for the ladies

2) Maintain and Improve Heart Health

The 'kissing' promoted less stress and more relationship satisfaction, that in-turn lowered high blood pressure linked to cholesterol levels.Therefore kisses keep you heart healthy

3) Improves your mood

The brain releases a special hormone called dopamine during kiss which is responsible for feelings of desire and bonding that helps to lift mood.

4) The Stress Reliever 

While kissing, no one remembers the outside world and the body relaxes and decreases the body’s cortisol levels which is a stress hormone.It creates a sense of peace and calmness by altering the body’s oxytocin levels.

5) Relieves pain

Kissing releases natural chemicals in the body called endorphins that can be more powerful than the narcotic morphine to relieve pain.Instead of reaching for the pain reliever, take few kisses

6) Can prevent cavities

Kissing increases saliva production and this saliva washes away bacteria that can cause cavities, tooth decay.This will keep the dentist away.

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Smart Women Tend To Drink More

A study carried out at the London School of Economics in which researchers have found that smart women tend to drink more than their lesser smart counter parts. Women who achieved "medium" or "high" test marks as schoolgirls are up to 2.1 times more likely to drink daily as adults.The report explained the reasons may include: a more intensive social life that encourages alcohol intake; a greater engagement into traditionally male spheres of life, more exposure to alcohol use during formative years; and greater postponement of childbearing and its responsibilities among the better educated.People who abuse alcohol face a higher risk of suffering from health problems including cancer, liver cirrhosis, lung and cardiovascular disease, and mental issues.

Should You Quit Facebook in 2014?

1) Other people can find their way onto your account; they might post fun stuff like this guy, but they can also be pretty malicious.

 2) Sharing possible criminal activity is bad 

 3)  It's exposing your stupidity 

 4) It's bad for education

 5) You spend too much time staring at pics like this... you should be out there trying to hang out with those girls. Facebook makes you an anti-social voyeur when you could be going after the girl of your dreams.

